Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Labor Day Weekend in Hilton Head

We had a minor set back on our first day at the coast.
Hazy. Cloudy. Light Rain. Very un-vacation-like.
We ventured out anyway.

One day my sister and I were walking to the beach...
Something caught her attention.

...And I think that is when the weekend developed a new atmosphere of brilliant color...
dusting off its sinking shades of gray.

Shannon spotted the most color-frazzled flower! There were so many layers to it. (I wish I knew the name of it!) The bees loved them... they were covered in pollen.

The sun miraculously came out...despite the gloomy forecast that was predicted.

I brought some hydrangeas in a vase...
in hopes that I would draw them:

The Final Push

I survived finals week...
thought I'd show what I completed in Fabric Design..

5 min. break

The Final Product...
Our final subject matter in fabric design was the
felt making process
I absolutely hated it at first...
I thought there was a very simple and quick method.
It took hrs. upon hrs. to dye the wool, turn it into felt,
assemble it, and finally sew it together.

No doubt I will carry on my felting knowledge to hopefully make smaller pieces (to sell).

May Sandwich Picnic

In the midst of Roman architecture and beautiful plants we feasted on Beef Jerky, PB & Js, and stale spicy Cheez-Its




Thursday, May 21, 2009

Whole Lotta Stencil Graffiti

My animated friend, Christa, took a series of pictures (of herself) on a macbook, creating something very similiar to this. She did it Michael Jackson style...and it was very cool.
Here's one of them:

While I was at Borders, I was searching through the art section trying to find inspiration...I came across Graffiti Paris

I liked it so much that I bought it!

I never really thought about Stencil Graffiti...but it is a very unique form of urban art.

I found the "Peeling Babies" (as I like to call them) in Seattle, WA while I was walking around town with my friend Claire. When I saw the red heads and their eye-patches I thought back to the baby graffiti.

A classmate of mine based her photography project on this quote:

Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of embarrassment; photography is a moment of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure.

I love that graffiti focuses on the most obscure things...



Really a fan of this girl

Andy Warhol stencil graffiti on paper, sold at

(above) This is one of Banksy's many graffiti pieces.

Wanna know more?