If I could sleep, eat, and work inside of an Anthropologie catalog I would be completely satisfied.
This would be the equivalent to living inside of a snowglobe.
Are those apples??!
And all of the month of april has been eaten!
Did you notice that all the A's are red?
After all, A is for APPLE.
Where to even begin? Anthro has so much to say...
She has the ability to showcase ordinary things...bringing out the beauty of an austere item. Plastic Bags? Coffee Filters? Old Books? Marshmallows? Paper? Balloons? Cardboard? Plastic Milk Containers? Paper Bags? Plates? String? Clothespins? Straws? Ornaments? Boxes? Socks? Bread??
How cool. You could just use a pamphlet and take more than a couple of pages, curving them to the center, then repeat in collections of 8 or 9. I don't know, maybe they used phonebook pages...
I often ask myself: How long did that take?